Subscription Fees 2024/25
Sailing Wanganui - Delivering Sailing Opportunities For All
Thank you for your subscription and membership
The downloadable document on this page is a PDF file that includes both the cost of subscriptions as well as a form that can be filled out and returned to the treasurer.
The files is approximately 110kb in size.
The fees for the 2024 – 25 season as approved at the AGM are as follows:
Type of Membership (inc GST and YNZ Fee)
- Associate – social member, non sailing - $53.00
- Junior Under 19 (on 1 September of the season) - $63.00
- Senior - $252
- Family - $315.00
- Casual sailor – up to six sailing days, or full membership. - $95.00
Boat Storage
- Optimists, P Class, Open Skiff and Starlings - $154.00
- Larger mono hulls - $165.00
- Catamarans - $198.00
- Windsurfers - $110.00
- Trailer Yacht 18’ and less - $440.00
- Trailer Yacht over 18’ - $550.00
Please email any questions to the